Hi All,
Just to remind you that the last Saturday training at Snelland is this week, 26th March. This is till the end of the competition season, and we will be transferring to Tuesday evenings, starting on Tuesday 5th April. If you would like to come along, please get in touch with Shirley and she will tell you the time of your class.
Hi everyone, We hope you're all still with us after this last lockdown, which hopefully it will be coming to an end soon. To that end we are trying to make sure everything is well organized to restart.
This is planned for the week after Easter, so starting with Norton Disney on 7th and 8th April , and Snelland after that. We would like EVERYONE who thinks they have a place, at either venue, to contact Shirley to confirm what time and place you are expecting. This will ensure there are no double bookings by accident, as initially we are still restricted to groups of five people. I know a lot of you have already booked and paid for Norton Disney for a five week course already, and that is good, but please STILL get in touch with Shirley to confirm your day and time. You should all have a phone number for Shirley, so please text her as soon as possible. If anyone does not have her number then email or PM me please. As you will appreciate after all this time she wants to make sure she knows exactly where she has any spaces as we have a waiting list of people waiting to join. Thank you for your cooperation, and hope to see you soon! I should have posted this last week folks, sorry! Shirley wanted to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope to get back to training, but at the moment there appears to be little prospect of any relaxations in the restrictions. So, for the time being, no more training till further notice , sorry. Keep safe and well everyone and we'll see you on the other side!
We are sorry, but there will continue be no training on at the moment. This will be for at least the next two weeks, and will be reviewed when there are any new announcements made by the government.
We are now pleased to announce that we intend to restart training at Norton Disney, and we aim to commence on Wednesday 30th September, and Thusday 1stOctober.
Classes will be held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings as before, with a class at 7-8pm, and another at 8-9pm on both nights, providing we have enough people to fill these groups. There will be only five handlers per group to allow for social distancing, and the cost will be £8 per dog per session. The payments will be required in blocks of five weeks, at £40 therefore, and this MUST be paid at least a week in advance of a new five week period. This is to ensure that we have a full group and can continue to put on these classes. Sorry, but there will be no catch ups as we are limited to five per group. If you would like to come please contact Shirley or myself, and don't leave it to the last minute or all the places may have gone! Hope to see you all again soon. Hi everyone,
we wanted to put out feelers to see who would be interested in returning to training in the evenings at Norton Disney in the not-to-distant future. This will be in groups of five due to current restrictions, and will therefore need to be prebooked. We will be charging in blocks of five weeks at £25 per dog. There will be no discounts for multiple dogs, nor any catch ups if you miss a week, unfortunately, due to the strict limitations on numbers. If you are interested please can you contact me as soon as possible on [email protected], so that we can review the situation, and if enough people are interested, we can make plans again. Shirley may already have spoken to some of you and if this is the case then there is no need to contact me as well. Thank you Hi everyone, we hope you are all well, and itching to get back to agility training! We are pleased to say that from 1/6/20 we will be able to do some outdoor training in small groups of no more than six handlers outdoors at our Snelland venue.
This will be on Tuesday and Friday evenings at 6.30pm and Saturday mornings at 10.30 am. Initially Shirley would like to allocate places to people from Norton Disney training who were unable to complete their ten week course due to the lockdown. If you missed one or two weeks this can now be made up at Snelland. To reserve a place please phone or text Shirley directly. It will be first come first served I'm afraid. The plan is to have puppies /young dogs on Friday if possible, and Tuesday and Saturday for more experienced dogs. If you don't want to make up your missed week(s) at Snelland, Shirley is happy to refund you or knock it off any future payment when we are eventually allowed to return to Norton Disney training. If you do book a session, please turn up as places are strictly limited. We ask you to all observe the 2 metre social distance at all times. Hopefully we will eventually get back to normal, but in the meantime this is a start, and should be good while the weather lasts! (P.S. for the coming week starting Monday 1/6/20 I believe all the places have gone for Tuesday and Friday, but we still have places available on Saturday morning) Hi everybody, Shirley is now much better you'll all be pleased to hear! However she has taken the decision to cancel all training at Paws 4 Agility due to the coronavirus crisis. As soon as we are able to return we will post here and on our facebook page. We hope everyone is well and that you all stay safe.
Hi everyone, Shirley has a cold - yes it is just a cold - so we have decided to cancel all training this week in order not to panic anyone! So no training Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday this week, that's the 18th, 19th and 21st of March. Hope to be back to normal soon, but I'll let you know as soon as she is better.
Happy New Year everyone!
We are now halfway through the winter (Hurray!), and it has so far been a particularly wet one. This has unfortunately meant that the ground outside at Snelland has been too wet on occasion. So, please text Shirley on a Saturday before you set off and ensure that class is on. You will have her number given to you the first time you come. Hopefully this won't be a problem now things are improving. However sometimes we have to change the Saturday classes due to other commitments, so if you're not sure please ask. |